(September 18, 2015) Sydney Harbour
This entire day is for exploring the Bay of
Sydney: we’ve got a tour to visit the Opera House building and we’ll
take the ferry to Manly to have three of the highlights:
- Enjoying the Bay views from the sea in the ferry trip to
- Living the beach atmosphere in Manly
- Enjoying the Bay views by night in the ferry trip back to
The spots marked at map are:
0- The Bayswater Sydney
1- The Rocks, Bay Bridge and Opera House
2- Manly
3- Central Station
When we leave the train at Circular Quay station some
minutes past 10 AM we get our first views of Sydney Harbour, with the
bridge and the Opera House, from this platform, as the train is running
one level up of the ground here..
Our Opera House tour is at 11:30 AM, so we address to the
bridge as we have spare time until that time. We can enjoy the views
from the bridge.
Then we explore the picturesque The Rocks neighborhood
until the tour time comes, when we walk along all the ferry quays to
reach the other side. There is a lot of live in this area.
We check in for the tour at the ticket box and follow
their indications to the door they’ve marked as the meeting point.
Our guide leads us through the dependencies of the
building and we can see three theaters, although in two of them photos
are not allowed because the stage is set. Opera House is an amazing
building inside too.
When we’re done from this one hour’s tour we want to enjoy
the outside part of the building but, as we’re at lunch time now, we go
back to The Rocks to get our meal in a place we saw before there: soup,
roast beef and falafel by 29$.
Then we can be back at Opera House to explore the building
outside and, just at the last part of it, we find Kevin Smith filming
something there.
We make some time as the next in our plan is taking the
ferry to Manly, exploring the place and taking the ferry back at dusk.
This way, we’ll have the views of the harbour from the sea at daylight
and by night as well. We board the ferry at 3 PM: 15.20$ each return ticket.
The poop is full of people looking for the best picture of the Sydney Harbour, just like us.
It’s a 30 minutes of a beautiful trip until reaching Manly
quay, which is a lot more like a market inside. We take a coffee at the
beginning of Corso Street, the main avenue, which links two beaches. We
have no rushes and explore the souvenir stores and the street.
At the end of Corso Street we reach Manly Beach, bordered
by a promenade with tall fir trees. We go to the right to get the
Cabage tree coastal walk, following the indications at the map I’ve got
from the tourist information office.
This walk follows the coat line and we can see surfers
playing with the waves at our left and funny metal sculptures about the
sea life in the rocks at our right. When we leave the coast it is
getting dark and we try to find a shortcut. Just when some drops are
falling from the sky, a surfer changing clothes in his car hears us
speaking Spanish between us and identifies as Gonzalo, from Madrid. He
is living in Manly for 13 years now and offers us to take us to the
quay. We can see how happy he is living here.
We reach the quay just on time to take the 6 PM ferry, but
don’t go out to the prow until the very moment we have Sydney
Harbour in front of us as the wind and rain make the worst conditions
to be outside.
We take beautiful pictures of the city lights and take the
train back to the hotel. We’ll only leave it for some dinner in the
same sushi place than yesterday by 29$.