(September 18, 2020) Florence

We'll leave Venice as soon as possible to drive directly to
Florence in a ride of around 3 hours.
Once at Toscana's capital city, we will spend the rest of this day and
the next to explore the multiple highlights on its Old Town.
The spots marked at map are:
0- B&B Le Stanze del Duomo
1- Piazza del Duomo
2- Galerķa dell'Academia
3- Basilica di Sta Maria Novella
4- Palazzo Vecchio
5- Fontana del Porcellino
6- Galerķa degli Uffizi
7- Basilica di Santa Croce
8- Ponte Vecchio
9- Palazzo Pitti
10- Piazzale Michelangelo
I got indications from the staff of the hotel to
know what
to do this morning, so we follow the plan after breakfast and checking
out, around 10:30 AM. We bring our luggage to San Zaccarias vaporetto
stop, the closest to the hotel, and get two tickets for Tronchetto by
7.5€ each.
Since the frequency is just 10 minutes, we only
wait 5
until boarding the next. The first stop is in the island with St.
Giorgio Maggiore Church, in case that someone wants to visit it.
When we arrive at Tonchetto we find the parking
very close to the stop. We pay 42€ (21€ per day) for parking and leave
directly to Florence.
The drive is over two hours until the city. Once
there we follow the GPS indications until our hotel. We arrive around
2:30 PM. The room is big and a few meters of the Duomo.
We go for our lunch by 3 PM and we are surprised by
the first two restaurants saying that they're already closed at that
time, but we're taken at the third. We order two menus of toast with
tomato, spaghetti with ragout and roast beef with chips by 44€ in total.
We're going to focus on what is nearby for the rest of the day, so we
walk to the Academy Gallery, where we pay 4€ for each ticket to enjoy,
nearly alone, the David of Michelangelo.
Then we walk around the Duomo. Entrance is already
closed, so we are amazed by how big it is. We come back to our room
after finishing this walk.
We go out once again at night for a walk and enjoy the atmosphere and
lights around the Duomo and get some fruit to eat in our room as
dinner. That big lunch we had is making us still no hungry.