(September 25, 2020) Return
We'll go to Linate's airport on time to board to our
flight, which is scheduled at 11:10 AM.
We wake up at 7:15 AM because we want to leave the
hotel at 8:30 AM. And that's what we do, just after breakfast. We take
a taxi to Linate in the taxi stand nearby and we reach the airport in a
bit more than 30 minutes.
At checking desk, they check we've already filled
the online form for covid 19 and they give us a new form to be
delivered to the Italian authorities. This time there is a line for the
security control because there is only one for all travellers.
We're at the boarding gate at 9:40 AM, so we have still to wait one
hour for the scheduled time for boarding.
This travel finishes this way. We're happy to having been
able to do it on these weird times and, besides additional
difficulties, we've found positive things too.
Its heritage is spectacular and gastronomically it is
surely at anyone's top. We still have more to see in this country and
we're happy to know we're going to come back soon.