11 (October 29, 2018) Yogyakarta
This is an entire day for our visits in Yogyakarta. If we
managed to go to Borobudur the previous day, the highlight for this day
would be Prambanan temple.
Then, we just would spend the rest of the day in the city center.
The spots marked at map are:
0- Gallery Prawirotaman Hotel
1- Water Palace
2- Sumur Gumuling
3- Borobudur
4- Prambanan
5- Yogyakarta Airport
We start this day early by leaving the hotel at
8:15 AM after taking our breakfast in the splendid buffet here. We walk
to the bus stop and reach it just about to get into bus 2B to Jombor.
We pay 3500 rupees each for it. Jombor is the last stop, in a bus
station where, when we’re detected as tourist, we get four people
heading us to the bus to Borobudur. No way of missing it.
We pay 25000 rupees each for the long ride in an
old and dirty bus. Nothing to do with the modern buses in the city.
When we reach our destination it’s two hours since we left the hotel. A
kind man, who has already told us he is living 1 km from the temple,
walks with us until the entrance of the complex.
Once here, in the middle of the big parking areas
and with the “village” of shops in front of us, it takes us some time
to find the ticket box and the actual entrance. We pay 600,000 rupees
each for the combined ticket for Borobudur and Prambanan. We’ll visit
both temples today.
The complex is far more than just the temple and,
when we finally can put eyes to it from the distance, we cannot believe
couldn’t see it before as it’s big like a hill..
It’s pretty crowded but the temple is so big that
you can always find corners to be alone. It’s like a step pyramid and
you can lose yourself in the path in every floor surrounding the
temple. When higher, the shorter this path is.
This pyramid structure obviously ends at the top,
the most crowded part of it. It is too the most beautiful one, with
stupas everywhere and amazing vies to the rainforest.
The exit is the most complex part here as, it’s
not only there is a long walk to it, the actual exit is an endless path
through stands selling the same things. May be is because of this that
the way they to stand up from the rest is by putting pressure and
persistence on tourists. Every turn heads to another identical pass
way. When we finally reach the exit of the fenced area and think we’re
free, we still must go through that “village” of shops I mentioned at
the beginning. I cannot see a way all these shops can live from the
tourists as there are no that much for this amount. When we reach the
parking area I ask for a taxi in a Grab place where there are some
people. They offer 250,000 rupees for the ride to Prambanan Temple. I
take it with no bargain as I was expecting quite more for it knowing is
a long ride.
One hour and a half later we’re delivered at the
entrance of Prambanan Temple so, as it’s 1:30 PM, we go directly to the
restaurant. The only restaurant in the complex is a quite basic buffet
with a fixed price of 60,000 rupees. We lunch here and take advantage
of the free wifi.
It’s time to visit the temple, where we can find
just a few places with shadow to rest from this burning sun. Main
temple is bigger than I thought from the pictures and we explore it
until decide to finish this visit and go to the exit.
The exit is in the back side and, again, makes us
to walk all around, passing by the restaurant and the zoo they’ve got
here, to reach the place we arrived at here.
We ask to a police officer about the stop for bus
1A and he sends us to the next traffic lights on this same road. It
turns next lights are like one kilometer far. We pay 3500 rupees each
when getting into the bus and leaves it, nearly one hour later, in
Malioboro Street, the street for shopping in Yogya.
We stop for some fruit smoothies and walk until
it’s dark and take the deal from a becak driver to drive us to our
hotel by 40,000 rupees, the same we paid yesterday. This time the bike
has an engine, though.