3 (September 12, 2016) Black Forest

We’ll spend this day entirely exploring the most
iconic towns and roads in Black Forest, starting from Baden Baden and
ending in Freiburg.
The spots marked at map are:
A- Baden Baden
B- Sasbachwalden
C- Gengenbah
D- Schiltach
E- Gutach
F- Triberg
G- St. Peter
H- Freiburgo
I make a few changes in the
plan for today to reach some towns from yesterday’s list. So, instead
of taking direction to Offenburg we’ll leave Baden Baden to
Freudenstadt and will try to reach Altensteig too. The ones removed
from the table then are Sasbachwalden and, depending on the naight take
us, St. Peter. In Gutach there is an outdoors museum that we’d already
thought to skip.
With this, we leave Baden Baden to Freudenstadt
trying to follow road 500 but, surprisingly, we don’t manage it. When
we stop in a lookout with wonderful views of what we want to go I check
we’re in a secondary road ending in road 462, in a town named Forbach.
At least, it is taking the same direction to Freudenstadt and makes
easier reaching Altensteig.
In our way we pass by Bermersbach, a small village
that makes us to stop in a side of the road to take a picture of its
beautiful view. The same happens in Forbach. This road has introduced
us in these dense and dark forests which give name to this area and is
not easy to get in a picture.
It’s around 12:30 PM when we reach Altensteig, but
when I’m driving along the river I’m wondering where will be the point
with the view of the town I’ve got in mind. I find soon the road to
Freudenstadt and I take it with hopes of finding it there, but when
we’re leaving the town behind it’s clear that it is not, so I turn
around to the direction that is pointing to Stuttgart. In the next
turn, as it is clear this road is getting further from Altensteig I
take the turn with the road going up and that results to be the right
one. It’s not only that there is a lookout with the view I was looking
for, besides, this road is leading to Freudenstadt too, our next stop.
At 1:15 PM we’re in Freudenstadt, through landscapes we’re
used to more, with shopping malls and modern buildings. It’s the Old
Town which takes us back to the Black Forest. We use the parking in
Marktplatz as we’re going to lunch here.
Although there are restaurants with food that we like, like
Italians, we get into a German one to enjoy the local food:
Jagerstuble. We try new things here and they result to be amazingly
good: I take maultaschen (a sort of big raviolis) with tomato and Eva
takes tellersulzen (a sort meat pie with gelatine). We pay 26.90€ in
total. Parking is cheap too: 0.50€ per hour.
Around 3 PM we reach Schiltach, with a wonderful old town.
The wooden frame houses, typical of this area, are taking the
riversides and make this town the most photogenic we’ve seen so far.
Every corner here is a delight for the eyes and the
maintenance of the houses is amazing. It must be a lot of work behind
of this kind of perfection.
We leave Schiltach amazed for its beauty, but we’re going now
to visit what the most people say is the most beautiful town in Black
Forest: Gengenbach. We arrive there after 50 minutes driving on a good
road. At 4:45 PM we’re paying 0.50€ for one hour of parking and ready
to get into the old town.
Just after crossing the tower that makes the
entrance one can be aware every detail has been taken into account
here. Everything is so perfect that I’m feeling like exploring a Grimm
brothers’ thematic park. But this is real, even when the main square
makes me feel it cannot be.
I get a map of the town in the tourism office,
just in this square and we can see the area to explore is not big.
Fortunately, based on Eva’s injured foot, the main things can be seen
here around the square. I go for a deeper exploration while my wife is
enjoying an ice cream in this fantastic environment.
We spend the hour and even some ore minutes here
before being back on the same road we used to come but in the opposite
direction. We don’t get Schiltach again because we take the road down
to Triberg.
We can feel the sunset coming when we have to stop
on a side of the road, before reaching Triberg. This is the area with
the concentration of cuckoo clocks stores, and the big ones do their
best to make the traveller to stop. It can be with a big and beautiful
clock, like the one in Hornberg – at left -, or with the announced as
the biggest cuckoo clock in the world, at right. We’re saved from the
temptation as the stores are all closed now at 6:30 PM.
We reach Triberg and its center with stepped
streets. The
popular waterfalls are not out of the town, as we presumed, but in this
center, like if it were a park. This makes the visit very easy as there
is no much to walk to be in front of them, in the middle of the nature.
We see no one in the entire visit, at 7:15 PM.

When we leave Triberg with the only goal now of
the hotel, in Freiburg outskirts, is 7:30 PM and the dark take us just
a few after that.

We have a hard time trying to find the hotel even
GPS, but we finally get it by asking, as it is well known around. The
hard part here has been finding someone to ask in the middle of the
Hotel Alemannenhof looks full based on the amount of cars in the
parking area. We meet there a very nice Spanish girl in the reception
desk who is happy with her live in Germany.