10 (September 19, 2016) Rothemburg ob der Tauber

We have more than 4 hours on road for this day in our trip
Munich to Frankfurt, where we’ll deliver the car and get ready for our
flight back to home the next day.
In our way there are a couple of stops we can do: Nuremberg and
Rothemburg ob der Tauber. We’ll decide how to deal with these visits
based on our timing.
The spots marked at map are:
A- Munich
B- Nuremberg
C- Rothemburg ob der Tauber
D- Frankfurt
We’ve got a clear idea about what we’re going to do today. The
cast in Eva’s leg made us to discard the visit to Nuremberg because it
is a big city with the highlights spread around a big area, so walking
is a must there. Then, we’ll go directly to Rothemburg odT, where
everything is concentrated in a small area.
two hours and half drive and, as we left Munich some minutes to 10 AM,
it’s around 12:30 PM that we are in front of the Roeder Gate. I leave
Eva at the gate and keep driving following the wall until a small car
It’s just the beginning, but we’re already
realizing this is the start of a spectacular visit as we’re getting
into this medieval environment through Roeder Tower.
Soon after that Roeder Arch appears and the picture with the fountain makes us to fall in love of this place for ever.
I think I’ve found the most photographed spot in the town in a
map on display on one of the shops filling these streets. It would be
close to the end of the left lane once in Marketplatz, at the bottom
left corner in the picture of this map below:
We’re astonished again when get a sight of the Marketplatz, with the Town Hall and the St. George’s Fountain.
A look at the left lane confirms the place I’m looking for is
there indeed. It’s not only the tower, but the crowd making turns for
their picture. We take that way, Plonlein, to reach this place.
When we’re there we need to wait a few minutes until it gets
clearer, but it is not a problem as we could be here for a while,
analyzing the beauty of this cross where two lanes leading to two
towers on different levels converge. There is a clear maintenance work
here, and not only for the two towers: the old house in the middle of
the picture, where the visitors turn to pose, look like new for one of
the best pictures you can take.
Plonlein is full of restaurants and, in our way down here, we’d
already chosen one of them. So, with the musts already done, we get
into Restaurant Baumeisterhaus.
On despite of being in a very touristic place it is not expensive
and we have a splendid lunch: Goulash and a sort of potato sticks
stuffed with cheese for Eva and Matulsen, smaller and more than the
ones I got in Black Forest, with potato a salad for me. We pay 28.10€
for the total.
After lunching we take a walk around Marketplatz area, where we can see
the Castle Tower and the Franciscan Church before reaching St. James’s
Church, which is sited in so small square that is difficult to find a
spot where taking the building in a picture.
In our way back to the Marketplatz we pass by the White Tower.
With this we’ve finished our visit to Rothemburg ob der Tauber,
although we’ve enjoyed this place so much that would spend says
exploring it. We left a last thing to do here, though: climbing to the
I leave Eva and go for the car, but the road is single direction
and I cannot come back using the same way so, what looked like a simple
task turns into taking a long time looking for the way to Roeder Gate.
Then, we only must drive for about two hours to reach Frankfurt and a
little more until finding BOLD Apartments, which have everything we
need, including a small kitchen.
I’m going alone to deliver the car. We’ve chosen this allocation
already thinking about being close to the car rent office so we can
come back by walking. After this we’ll only leave the place for a
shopping in the supermarket to make our dinner at room.