(October 10, 2022) Kruger National Park: Skukuza

On our first full day in Kruger Park we will leave Crocodile
Bridge Camp with the Lower Sabie Camp as our final destination.
As Lower Sabie is the only camp where we will stay for two
days, our
idea for this day is to explore the Skukuza area and probably have
lunch at that camp.
We leave Crocodile Bridge camp around 10AM after having
breakfast with what we brought yesterday from the shop for our route
today, which starts on the paved road that connects the camp we're
leaving with the Lower Sabie Camp, but runs mostly on a gravel road to
Skukuza camp, where we're planning to lunch.
It is when we take the gravel road to the West that we begin to see
wildlife: elephants, impalas, zebras, linyala, turtles and two
We stop at a lake where a large alpha male elephant seems to be angry
with a car near it, and is making clear signs of that, until it decides
to leave. There are also birds and two crocodiles.
On the rest of the way we keep having encounters with
herbivores. All roads in Kruger N.P. have signs at each intersection
with indications, which makes easy to follow our itinerary.
We arrive at Skukuza Camp and park in the restaurant and shop
area. The restaurant has a terrace overlooking the river. We order
sirloin with blue cheese and bacon for me and chatobriand beef for Eva.
All delicious for 500R.
We get into the store, which is huge, and leave the camp eating
ice cream to complete our route with the road that connects this camp
with the one we'll spend the next two nights: Lower Sabie.
We make our way to Lower Sabie in an hour and a half where, shortly after leaving, we meet our first predator: a hyena.
We also see other game, including a large family of baboons and
a herd of elephants that block the road for a while, until they all
cross. We have also seen a snake crossing the road, which we
miraculously dodged.
Close to Lower Sabie camp there is a small lake where hippos and
crocodiles are usually seen. We spend some minutes stopped there and we
also detect bats hanging from the tree that emerges from the lake.
We arrive at Lower Sabie Camp around 4:30 PM, where we get our
bungalow after having checked in at the reception desk. We leave out
baggage there and go to the store for some shopping.
Among the things that we bring from the shop is an adapter,
since the plugs in all the camps here are of the most different version
of plugs in South Africa, which even the universal adapters cannot
As we want to increase our chances of seeing the big cats, tomorrow we
plan to leave at dawn, which is when these predators are most active.