(October 13, 2022) Kruger National Park: Olifants

We will leave the Satara camp to explore that area and the
around Olifants camp, which is our final destination. This will be our
last full day in the Kruger National Park.
We are once again in the queue of cars at the gate of the
camp to leave as soon as they open it, at 5:30 AM.
We choose a circuit that takes us to the Singita Lebombo
Lodge along a beautiful gravel road following the Wanetsi River. But it
seems that we have gotten up earlier than the animals because we only
see some birds and a herd of impalas.
From there to the main road is paved road and we can see
elephants, kudus, monkeys, zebras, wildebeest and an ostrich. A reward
that does not seem worth getting up this early.
After two and a half hours we're back to the Satara camp,
after driving across the savannah landscape that predominates in this
We have breakfast and prepare to leave for our last camp in
Kruger National Park: Olifants.
Just after leaving we find three black birds walking towards
us. It is a group of southern ground hornbills.
This type of landscape provides wide visibility provided,
with these huge esplanades with few trees. We can see herds of
ostriches, zebras, wildebeests and a secretary bird along the way.
Shortly before reaching the camp we passed some places with
water where some herbivores have come to drink.
We arrived at the Olifants camp around 11AM and settled into
the bungalow before going out to explore.
On the way to the popular lookout of this camp we
can see that the bungalows with views are all under improvement works,
so it is not surprising that we could not book one. The restaurant is
next to the viewpoint, so we took the opportunity to eat there. There
are works in all this part too so it will be much better soon.
We eat a light meal with chicken wings and squid strips by
232R and head out to drive until a spot where leopard encounters have
been marked on the board. But it is too hot at this time and the place,
with all dry trees around, also has a wall with many caves where
animals can enjoy the shade, so we see nothing.
We spend the rest of the day in the camp, shopping at the
supermarket and enjoying the views of the river, where we see a family
of elephants.
We have dinner in our bungalow, and we hear a lot of noise in
the one next door when we see a large baboon come out licking something
white in its hand and leaving garbage behind, when the couple staying
in it come out and we are surprised that the baboon faces them with a
challenging pose, until the sound of a slap of a rag against the wall
makes it go away.
As soon as night falls we go to rest for tomorrow, when we will
say goodbye to the Kruger National Park and end these fantastic safari