12 (March 7, 2024) Return
Our return flight leaves at 12:40 PM, so we have the morning to relax until it's time to go to the airport.
After a quick connection in Charlotte, we'll board the transatlantic flight to arrive in Dublin at 5 AM the next morning.
We leave for breakfast at the same place as yesterday around 8 AM, since we have booked a taxi for 10 AM. We say goodbye to San Juan from the balcony of our room before going down with our luggage.
The ride to the airport takes less than half an hour and, shortly before 11 AM, we have already checked in and passed through security. As we have a hour until boarding, we explore the shops at San Juan airport.
The flight leaves a little late, which means that we arrive in Charlotte
just in time for our connection. From the sky, this part of North Carolina looks completely flat.
At Charlotte airport we have no problems as we arrive at the gate for our flight to Dublin shortly before boarding begins.
We really enjoyed this winter beach trip. We brought back unforgettable memories like our day at Disney World, the beaches of Bimini and the magical bioluminescence in Vieques among others.